Member Workouts
per item
***These workouts are only available to current clients***
You will receive a text Monday-Friday with your detailed individual workout and motivational tips. These are "baseball specific" workouts that will build power and explosiveness while also keeping your athlete healthy and on the field.
You will receive a text Monday-Friday with your detailed individual workout and motivational tips. These are "baseball specific" workouts that will build power and explosiveness while also keeping your athlete healthy and on the field.
Payment due date - By the 3rd of the month
With so many online baseball programs, it can be difficult to determine which is best for your player. My program is indivually designed for your son. No blanket workouts or basic routines. Every workout is custom built for your sons needs. My program gives you a personal coach to guide you through your development each day.
With so many online baseball programs, it can be difficult to determine which is best for your player. My program is indivually designed for your son. No blanket workouts or basic routines. Every workout is custom built for your sons needs. My program gives you a personal coach to guide you through your development each day.